Hi there!
I am currently serving as a full professor of Computer Science in the Department of Control and Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino — this academic year, I teach 5 courses: 1 PhD, 1 MS, and 3 BS.
I have been interested in artificial intelligence and soft computing since the 1990s, especially in bio-inspired meta-heuristics and multi-agent systems. I am also into approximate optimization, that is, I design algorithms able to provide reasonable solutions using reasonable resources.
Most of my professional activities are with the CAD group. The industrial applications of my research range from electronic CAD, to bioinformatics, to the cultural sector.
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Giovanni Squillero works as a full professor of computer science at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Control and Computer Engineering.
His research combines artificial intelligence and soft computing, in particular bio-inspired meta-heuristics and multi-agent systems. He also designs approximate optimization techniques able to achieve acceptable solutions with reasonable amount of resources. The industrial applications of his work range from electronic CAD to bioinformatics, to the cultural sector.
He is credited as an author in 3 books, 42 journal articles, 11 book chapters, and 169 papers in conference proceedings; he is also listed among the editors in 16 volumes.
As an entrepreneur, he co-founded Ominee, S.r.l. in 2014, Bactell, Inc. in 2019, and Ai·Culture, S.r.l. in 2024.
Squillero has been an IEEE Senior Member since 2014; currently he serves on the technical committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Games and on the editorial board of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. He was the program chair of the European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation in 2016 and 2017, and he is now a member of the steering committee of EvoApplications. In 2024 he co-organized GGP, the workshop on Graph Genetic Programming at GECCO; in 2018, EvoML, the workshop on Evolutionary Machine Learning at PPSN; in 2016 and 2017, MPDEA, the workshop on Measuring and Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms at GECCO; and from 2004 to 2014, EvoHOT, the Workshops on Evolutionary Hardware Optimization Techniques.
Since 1998, Squillero has lectured 71 university courses (16 Ph.D. and 55 M.S./B.Sc.; 36 in Italian and 35 in English); he has contributed to another 37 courses as an assistant or in other ancillary roles.
He has presented 14 tutorials (13 in top conferences); he has been invited to give 1 keynote and 5 talks (2 in national events).
Squillero also contributes to different free and open-source projects, and routinely publishes his research and didactic material on GitHub.
On a more playful note, after coaching the team that won the bronze medal at SWERC17, Squillero helped creating CPPolito, Politecnico’s student team for competitive programming. Then, in 2022, he assisted the establishment of Scacchi PoliTO, the student organization for promoting chess-related activities, where he continues to serve as an advisor.
Full Professor — Department of Control and Computer Engineering CURRENT
Member — Joint Committee on Teaching CURRENT
Member — Specializing Master’s Programmes and Lifelong Learning School CURRENT
Member — Ph.D. Steering Committee (Pure and Applied Mathematics) CURRENT
Member — SmartData@PoliTO (interdepartmental center) CURRENT
Advisor — Scacchi PoliTO (student team) CURRENT
Member — CINI’s Working Group on Soft Computing CURRENT
Senior Member — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers CURRENT
Member — Games Technical Committee (IEEE Computational Intelligence Society) CURRENT
Member — International Council of Museums CURRENT
Editorial Board Member — Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines CURRENT
Organizer (with several colleagues) — Workshop on “Graph Genetic Algorithm” (in GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) 2024–2025
Member — EvoApplications Steering Committee (part of EvoStar) CURRENT
Organizer (with Dr. Alberto Tonda) — Workshop: Evolutionary Machine Learning (in PPSN: International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature) 2018
Organizer (with Dr. Alberto Tonda) — Workshop: Measuring and Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms (in GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) 2017
Program Chair — European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (part of EvoSTAR) 2016–2017
Publication Chair — European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (part of EvoSTAR) 2015
Organizer (with Dr. Alberto Tonda) — Workshop: Measuring and Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms (in GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) 2016
Program Chair — Biannual European-Latin American Summer School on Design, Test and Reliability 2016
Program Chair — European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (part of EvoSTAR) 2016–2017
Publication Chair — European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (part of EvoSTAR) 2015
Organizer (with Prof. Rolf Drechsler) — EvoHOT: Evolutionary Hardware Optimization Techniques (part of EvoSTAR) 2004–2014
Track chair — A-LIFE: Evolutionary Robotics, Adaptive Behavior, and Evolvable Hardware (in GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) 2011–2012
General Track Chair — European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (part of EvoSTAR) 2012
Chair (Ph.D. forum) — International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications 2010
Track chair — A-LIFE: Evolutionary Robotics, Adaptive Behavior, and Evolvable Hardware (in GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) 2009
Organizer (Special Session) — Evolutionary Computation for Electronic Design Automation (in CEC: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation) 2007
Topic Chair — IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005
Vice Chair — IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2004
Organizer (Track) — Evolutionary Computation and Optimization (in SAC: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing) 2004
Organizer (Special Session) — Evolutionary Design Automation (in CEC: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation) 2003
Organizer (Special Session) — Evolutionary Design Automation (in CEC: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation) 2001
Tutorial: "Theory and Practice of Population Diversity in Evolutionary Computation", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Málaga, Spain) 2025
Tutorial: "Leaving the Trees (the evolution of alternative representations in Genetic Programming", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (Hangzhou, China) 2025
Invited talk: "AI nei musei e per i musei", Festival delle Conoscenze (Tortona. Italy)) 2024
Invited talk: "L'intelligenza artificiale in ambito culturale", Forum Cultura 2024 (MUDEC, Milano, Italy) 2024
Keynote: "Leaving the Trees", Genetic Programming for Data Analysis conference (Sydney, Australia) 2024
Tutorial: "Theory and Practice of Population Diversity in Evolutionary Computation", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Melbourne, Australia) 2024
Tutorial: "Theory and Practice of Population Diversity in Evolutionary Computation", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Melbourne, Australia) 2023
Tutorial: "Theory and Practice of Population Diversity in Evolutionary Computation", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Boston, MA, USA) 2022
Tutorial: "Theory and Practice of Population Diversity in Evolutionary Computation", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (online) 2021
Invited talk: "Artificial Intelligence in the museum environment", Humanizing Technology through Design @ Circolo del Design(Torino, Italy () 2021
Tutorial: "Evolutionary Algorithms & Machine Learning: Synergies and challenges", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (online) 2020
Tutorial: "Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Optimization: Why and How", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Kyoto, Japan) 2018
Tutorial: "Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Optimization: Why and How", International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (Edinburgh, UK) 2016
Tutorial: "Brief Overview of Diversity-Preservation Methodologies in Evolutionary Optimization", IEEE World Congress of Computational Intelligence (Beijing, China) 2014
Tutorial: "Industrial Applications of Evolutionary Algorithms", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 2013
Tutorial: "Industrial Applications of Evolutionary Algorithms", IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation (New Orleans, LA, USA) 2011
Invited talk: "Heuristic Stimuli Generation For Coverage Closure Exploiting Simulation Feedback", DVClub (online) 2010
Tutorial: "EA-based Test and Verification of Microprocessors", ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Portland, OR, USA) 2008
Invited talk: "Methodologies for Test Program Generation Exploiting Simulation Feedback", Intel Workshop on Pre- and Post-SI verification challenges of multi-core systems @ Technion (Haifa, Israel) 2008
Tutorial: "Applications of evolutionary computation to hardware design", AIxIA Workshop sul calcolo evoluzionistico (Parma, Italy) 2005
ART-IFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in Support of Museums (Head of the Department Unit) — Compagnia di San Paolo 2020–2022
SMART GAMER — Poli di Innovazione 2013–2014
COLIBRI #4 — SPEA S.p.A. 2025
Sistemi ICT per applicazioni industriali — AROL S.p.A. 2024–2025
Extraction and Identification of Information from Mass Spectra — NanoTech Analysis S.r.l. 2024–2025
Sistemi ICT per applicazioni industriali — AROL S.p.A. 2023–2024
Linguaggio Python — AROL S.p.A. 2022–2023
A3G Speed Monitor Modelling — Infineon Technologies Italia S.r.l. 2021
Extraction and Identification of Information from Mass Spectra — NanoTech Analysis S.r.l. 2021–2022
COLIBRI #2 — SPEA S.p.A. 2020–2022
Machine Learning techniques for virtual antimicrobial susceptibility testing — Bactell Inc. 2019
Machine Learning techniques for the prediction of failures based on in-situ sensors values — Infineon Technologies A.G. 2018
Algoritmo di ottimizzazione — Seica S.p.A. 2017
Ottimizzazione percorsi FP — SPEA S.p.A. 2011